Marketing and Communication
TROY's Department of Marketing and Communication connects students, faculty, staff and alumni through its marketing strategies, campaigns and brand management. This is done with the main purpose of promoting the University to internal and external audiences while fostering the Trojan Warrior Spirit.
Our offices support Troy University's mission through data analysis, advertisement
placement, photography/video creation, graphic design, web publishing, copywriting,
publications and copy editing.
Mission Statement
TROY's Department of Marketing and Communication connects students, faculty, staff
and alumni through its marketing strategies, campaigns and brand management. This
is done with the main purpose of promoting the University to internal and external
audiences while fostering the Trojan Warrior Spirit.
Our office supports Troy University's mission through data analysis, advertisement
placement, photography/video creation, graphic design, web publishing, copywriting,
publications and copy editing.
To request help with a future project, contact us at
Office of Marketing
256 Adams Administration Building
Troy, AL 36082
(334) 670-5856
If you would like to submit a helpdesk ticket online please follow the instructions below:
1. Visit our help desk page and click “Submit a Ticket.”
2. Ensure your name is under “Requestor.”
3. Under “Urgency,” select a timeframe based on when you will need the materials in hand. When selecting the type of “Urgency,” please consider that creating NEW materials could take two to four weeks, including the time required for the Marketing office's approval process and your revisions.
4. Under “Request Type” you will select between the following:
- “Advertisement Placement”
- “”
- “Creative”
- Please note that when you select “Creative” or “,” additional fields will appear to further specify the type of creative or website request you are making.
- “I don't know what I want or Other”.
5. Under “Description,” please provide as many details as possible, including whether you will require copy or will provide copy for us.
6. When you reach the attachment section, include any previously referenced documents and any attachments that illustrate the preferred look or feel you would like for your request (if any).
7. Finally, select a due date. This date should be the latest you need to have the final project in hand and should align with your “Urgency.” Again, please keep in mind the time required to create and revise your request.
8. Once your ticket is submitted, a staff member will contact you within one to three business days to confirm your request via the ticketing system (email) or phone.
9. Your ticket will then be assigned to the appropriate staff member for creation.
10. Remember to check your email regularly, as updates on your request will be communicated through the ticketing system (email).
If you would like to submit a helpdesk ticket online please follow the instructions below:
1. Visit our help desk page and click “Submit a Ticket.”
2. Ensure your name is under “Requestor.”
3. Under “Urgency,” select a timeframe based on when you will need the materials in hand. When selecting the type of “Urgency,” please consider that anything of emergency urgency needs to be attended to ASAP, high urgency will be needed in 10 or less business days, medium urgency would be needed in less than 2-6 weeks, and low urgency would be needed in 6+ weeks.
4. Under “Phone number," please add the number that best contacts you. If we cannot reach you via the ticketing system, you may receive a call for more information.
5. When you select "Date Needed", this date should be the latest you need to have the final project in hand and should align with your “Urgency.”
6. Under “Description,” please provide as many details as possible.
7. Once your ticket is submitted, a staff member will contact you within one to three business days to confirm your request via the ticketing system (email) or phone.
8. Please remember to check your email regularly, as updates on your request will be communicated through the ticketing system (email).
If have any specific questions, please reach out to your rep or email Matt Clower at for more information.

Chancellor's Annual Report
This publication covers the year in depth from academics to athletics to financials of Troy University.

Economic Development
Our mission is to provide hands-on, applied economic development assistance through research and specialized technical support to Alabama businesses and public and private economic development entities.

Identity Standards & Logos
Our TROY brand logo makes us strong. We must always ensure it is used with a consistent, cohesive design that best advances the image of our University.

Marketing & Creative
We offer a wide range of marketing and creative services to Troy University, both to internal and external customers. Our team is here to help you promote TROY's brand, ensure consistent messaging and to assist in every aspect of the development process.

Photography services provide digital photography to be used in all areas to promote Troy University.

Social Media
Stay connected with us and our colleges, departments and organizations by following us on social media! From Instagram to Twitter to Facebook, you'll find there's always something interesting going on at TROY.

TROY Public Radio
A source of news, music and NPR programming, TROY Public Radio serves the tri-state area of central and southeast Alabama, southwest Georgia and the Florida Panhandle. Students also have the opportunity to work hands-on in the radio realm alongside TROY's team of broadcast professionals.

TROY Today Blog
The official blog of Troy University has the mission to tell the stories of the people, places and events that make Troy University a dynamic, global community for learning.

TROY Today Magazine
The sister publication of the University's TROY Today Blog, TROY Today Magazine provides 50,000 readers with important news, intriguing features and student and faculty voices.

TROY TrojanVision
As the University's official television station, TROY TrojanVision reaches more than 200,000 potential viewers with daily, student-led news broadcasts and educational, entertainment and sports programming. The station provides students with hands-on opportunities to produce a live, 30-minute mid-day and nightly news program.

University Relations
An integral part of telling Troy University's stories and achievements to the news media, the campus community, alumni, parents, government officials and the general public.

A team of experienced staff manages the design and content for Troy University's website, along with creating templates to disseminate information via email.