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National Pan-Hellenic Sororities & Fraternities

The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) at Troy University welcomes you to the experience of Greek Life! NPHC is the governing body of the nine (9) largest historically African American Greek-letter fraternities and sororities, currently representing over 1.5 million members internationally. The organization boasts a diverse membership comprised of students, celebrities, corporate, political and community leaders. NPHC organizations are all unique with respect to other Greek-letter organizations in that they embrace a service-oriented philosophy and aim to promote the continuance of social action, political empowerment, and economic development. The National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations are profoundly committed to providing community service and uplifting and promoting the general public welfare. These services are implemented within the local, national, and international communities.


Interested in joining?

NPHC Convocation is an open forum for interested students to learn more about our chapters. Each chapter gives a brief background on its national history and chapter history, shares its involvement on campus and in the local community, and answers questions you may have about the organization's Membership Intake Process. The 2025 Spring Convocation is Sunday, January 26th—the location and time will be announced.

Learn more


The Divine Nine

For potential Greeks, we hope our website gives you a look at our NPHC community and a better understanding of what being Greek involves. The NPHC organizations are commonly referred to as "The Divine Nine." At Troy University, we have eight of the nine NPHC organizations.

Our women's groups are Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Sigma Gamma Rho and Zeta Phi Beta.

Our men's groups are Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, Phi Beta Sigma, and Iota Phi Theta.

Our groups will hold membership intake during the academic year and put signs and posters up everywhere describing their requirements for membership. In the meantime, attend our events and get to know us.

NPHC Organizations

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Troy University's Mu Alpha Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Troy University's Nu Theta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Troy University's Omicron Pi Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Troy University's Xi Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Troy University's Rho Delta Delta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Troy University's Alpha Alpha Lambda Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.

Troy University's Chapter of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Not currently active on TROY's campus.

NPHC History and Future

NPHC History

The National Pan-Hellenic Council was established in 1930 at Howard University as a national coordinating body for the nine historically African-American fraternities & sororities, which had evolved on American college and university campuses by that time. Blatant racism had prevented many African American students on historically white campuses from joining general fraternities and sororities. African Americans were denied admittance to large numbers of campuses, which still prohibited blacks from attending. Therefore, African American students on both types of campuses established fraternities and sororities to enhance their college experiences. These organizations did not then, nor do they now, restrict membership to African Americans. They have developed, however, a distinctive African American style in their activities, both social and philanthropic. These college fraternities grew, on historically white and historically black campuses in three distinct phases:


Post World War I:
NPHC chapters spread to major research university campuses that admitted blacks. Spread to major historically black colleges in the south. Alumni chapters established in cities across the U.S.A. as "Civic and Service" organizations because blatant racism prohibited African Americans from participating in general civic organizations in their communities after graduation from college.


Post World War II:
NPHC chapters proliferated on southern historically black college campuses. Many cultural traditions which differed markedly from historically white college traditions became refined and embedded within the African American culture, i.e., "lining," chanting & public skits on campus as a part of "pledging").


Post Civil Rights Act 1964:
Many colleges and universities that had previously denied admittance to African Americans or had small enrollments grew in their enrollment of African Americans and established NPHC chapters on their campuses. This swelled the number of NPHC affiliate organizations to over 400 undergraduate chapters and as many alumni chapters on average for each organization. Presently, approximately 1.5 million members of undergraduate and graduate chapters are served by NPHC.


In many ways, though welcomed, this upsurge in growth was unexpected and unplanned for by NPHC. By and large, even though the national office staffs of each of the nine affiliate organizations have increased dramatically, they have not matched the pace of growth of the chapters. None of the historically African American fraternities or sororities have staffed their offices with field consultants (young, recent college graduate members of the respective organizations who actively visit college chapters to motivate, evaluate and sometimes recommend discipline for chapters that stray from the national or university standard). Historically, African American fraternities and sororities and their office staff must also give appropriate time and attention to alumni chapters. This further diminishes the time and attention proportionately that can be paid to collegiate affairs.


In 1992, through the joint cooperation of Indiana University-Bloomington and the National Board of Directors of NPHC, the first permanent national office for NPHC was established in Bloomington, Indiana, on the campus of Indiana University. Prior to its establishment, for over a 62-year period, the national office would sojourn from one officer to the next. NPHC changed its national constitution in 1993 at the National Convention to allow for the appointment of its first Executive Director, Dr. Michael V. W. Gordon. At the same convention, NPHC changed its constitution to create the possibility for like organizations to apply for membership. In 1995, the first international council was chartered in Nassau, Bahamas. In 1996, Iota Phi Theta Fraternity joined as its ninth affiliate member.


Continuing The Tradition

To understand the need for and concept of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc., one must first consider, understand and familiarize oneself with the historical accounts and significance of predominantly Black Greek-letter organizations. While having their own distinct heritages, the nine (9) member organizations of NPHC offer insight and a unique perspective into this understanding and the development of Black socioeconomic and cultural life.


Each of the nine (9) NPHC organizations evolved during a period when African Americans were being denied essential rights and privileges afforded to others. Racial isolation on predominantly white campuses and social barriers of class on all campuses created a need for African Americans to align themselves with other individuals sharing common goals and ideals. With the realization of such a need, the African American (Black) Greek-lettered organization movement took on the personae of a haven and outlet, which could foster brotherhood and sisterhood in the pursuit to bring about social change through the development of social programs that would create positive change for Blacks and the country. Today, the need remains the same.


While NPHC affiliate organizations recognize the social aspect of Greek college life, the primary purpose and focus of member organizations remains community awareness and action through educational, economic, and cultural service activities. NPHC affiliates and their respective members have pledged to devote their resources to service in their respective communities, realizing that the membership experience of NPHC organizations goes beyond organizational membership during an individual's college career. A lifetime commitment to the goals and ideals of each respective organization is stressed. The individual member is also expected to align himself with a graduate/alumni chapter following graduation from college, with the expectation that he/she will attend regular chapter meetings, regional conferences, and national conventions and take an active part in matters concerning and affecting the community in which they live.


The need to form campus-based councils to represent NPHC affiliate organizations is not motivated by a “separatist” philosophy. The establishment of councils assists in maintaining a distinct identity as “service-based organizations,” as opposed to organizations that may be strictly social in nature; NPHC, Inc. does not advocate a disassociation from NIC, NPC, or NALFO organizations on college campuses. The council's purpose is to promote unity and expose members to the “service for life” philosophy and foster leadership development and scholarship. Furthermore, the National Pan-Hellenic Council provides a forum for participation and interaction among the members of affiliate organizations and the organizations themselves. It provides for a stronger unified voice and a stronger unified body. The continued advocacy for the establishment of local councils not only stems from tradition, but also from the realization that many colleges and universities maintain organization registration policies requiring an organization to belong to a national organization and that national organization to a national umbrella organization in order to function on that respective campus.


It is the endeavor of NPHC, Inc. to foster a more stable environment on campuses for local NPHC councils, provide a forum for dialogue, and provide training for and management of its respective councils. Having such an entity in place to serve as an umbrella organization centralizes and provides a clearinghouse for information sanctioned by the NPHC Council of Presidents, whether on the university/college campus and/or in civic, social, and political arenas. It is essential to have such a voice to advocate the concerns of local councils and assert the position of the national body, particularly in decisions or rulings that may have a negative impact.


NPHC Officers


NPHC Mailing Address:

National Panhellenic Council
215 Trojan Center
Troy, AL 36082

Sadaris Williams

Coordinator of Student Involvement and
Advisor of the National Panhellenic Council 

Office: (334) 670-3227
Cell: (334) 372-5276

NPHC Membership Intake

What is membership intake?
The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) organizations at Troy University select members through Membership Intake. Membership Intake is the process of selecting, educating, and initiating new members into an NPHC chapter. The national organization prescribes this process.
Who can participate?
Students interested in any NPHC chapters must have completed at least 12 Troy University credit hours, be enrolled at Troy University with a 2.5 or higher cumulative grade point average. Each national organization has set membership requirements which are generally higher than stated in the previous sentence. Students enrolled at other universities are not eligible for membership. Because NPHC groups do not take in first-semester freshmen, they recommend that you get involved in other campus organizations in your first year and become a proven campus leader before you join a Greek organization. Participation in campus organizations and your community service hours are considered when NPHC organizations select new members.
When can I join?
NPHC groups will individually announce their membership selection/intake process during the semester and they will explain their membership process at the initial informational meeting. Interested students are encouraged to check out the national websites of the various NPHC organizations and to attend events sponsored by the local chapters. By doing this, you will have a better perspective of the organization and its members to make the best decision for you. See Convocation information below.
General Information
  • A proven record of campus leadership and community service is evaluated during the membership intake process.
  • Grade requirements and hours are verified through the university.
  • Letters of recommendation from alumni are usually required.
  • Groups can conduct Intake each semester, skip semesters, or conduct one every other year. It is the decision of the individual group when to conduct Intake.
  • When Intake is conducted, the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership is notified before the process begins.

If you participate in illegal intake activities, you jeopardize your chances of becoming a true member of the organization and may be barred from membership for life. 

Convocation Information

The National Pan-Hellenic Council's recruitment process is referred to as Membership Intake. Before any student is interested in joining an NPHC organization, they must attend NPHC Convocation at least once. NPHC Convocation is an open forum for interested students to learn more about our chapters. Each chapter gives a brief background on their national history and chapter history, shares their involvement on campus and in the local community and answers questions about the organization's Membership Intake Process. The required dress for Convocation is business attire (a nice Sunday dress for women and slacks, tie and dress shirt for men).


2025 Spring Convocation is Sunday, January 26—location and time to be announced.


Students have two opportunities to attend NPHC Convocation in an academic year: once in August and again in January. If you have never attended an NPHC Convocation, you will not be allowed to join an NPHC Organization Membership Intake Program.


Each organization follows guidelines and practices from their national offices during their Membership Intake Process. Chapters post flyers around campus inviting all interested students to attend an “Interest Meeting,” “Informational,” “Rush Tea,” or “Meet N Greet.” If you are interested in a specific chapter, we encourage you to watch for recruitment flyers, meet members in the chapter, learn about the organization on the chapter or national organization website and attend programs held by the organization. The minimum requirement for a student to seek membership is 12 semester hours at a University, having a 2.5 cumulative GPA, community service hours, being in good standing with the University, and attending one NPHC Convocation. Some organizations require more than the minimum requirement.


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