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Journalism Courses (JRN)

Note: Reasonable proficiency in keyboarding (25 wpm) is a prerequisite for all journalism courses except COM 1101 and JRN 1103.

JRN 1100 - Technologies in Journalism (3)

An introduction to the technological advances in journalism and the promotion of an understanding of the impact of these advancements. Must make a C or better.

JRN 1102 - Writing for the Mass Media (3)

A basic course in preparing written materials for the mass media and for online communication, with emphasis on using Associate Press style and writing leads. Prerequisites: ENG 1101, 1102, JRN 1100, with grade of C or better in each course. May be taken concurrently with JRN 1100. Must make at least C or better in JRN 1102 before taking JRN 2201.

JRN 1103 - Introduction to Radio and Television (3)

An introduction to the electronic forms of mass communication with discussions on the theoretical and business aspects of radio and television, cable and corporate video communications, and an introduction to programming and regulations.

JRN 2201 - Reporting (3)

Gathering, evaluating and reporting the news for traditional and online media. Prerequisite: Completion of JRN 1102 with grade of C or better. Must make at least C or better in JRN 2201 before taking 3000 level or higher Journalism courses.

JRN 2211 - Editing and Design (3)

Editing copy and video, headline writing, layout and design for print, video and electronic publications plus online communications. Prerequisites: JRN 1100 and 1102. Must make a C or better in JRN 2211 to receive credit toward degree.

JRN 2289 - Social Media Practicum (1)

Social Media has become an instrumental tool of communication for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Understanding how to use social media effectively as a professional resource is a skill provide students with real-world lessons and practical experience in the use and function of social media as a tool for public relations outreach and communication. Prerequisite: ENG 1101 or permission of the instructor.

JRN 3300 - Digital News Photography (3)

Discussion of and practical experience in digital and video photography for print, broadcast, electronic and online media.

JRN 3302 - Feature and Magazine Article Writing (3)

Researching and writing feature stories with emphasis on covering issues and trends in magazines, electronic and online publications, pitching ideas to editors and marketing articles as a freelancer. Prerequisite: JRN 2201.

JRN 3312 - Advanced Editing and Design (3)

Advanced study and practice in layout and design of newspapers, electronic publications and online media, including special pages and editions; typography and graphics; copy editing and video. Prerequisite: JRN 2211.

JRN 3315 - Advanced Reporting (3)

News reporting and writing on sports, business, consumer affairs, the environment, and public affairs, particularly local and state government, the courts and education, in a multimedia environment including print, video and online communications. Emphasis is placed on use of background research and multiple sources and writing on deadline. Prerequisite: JRN 2201. Must make a C or better in JRN 3315 to receive credit toward degree.

JRN 3318 - The Evolution of Broadcast News (3)

From the very first television news broadcasts in the 1940s, to the women who broke barriers in a male dominated business, to news stations in China now using Artificial Intelligence to create virtual news anchors, this class will explore how broadcast news has evolved over the past 75 years. Students will learn how daily newscasts changed the manner in which Americans saw the world, and also how iconic news anchors helped shape the course of American history.

JRN 3326 - Advising Student Publications (3)

Students successfully completing this class will have the ability to teach journalism, including how to produce magazine and newspaper layout; develop copy and/or storyboard for radio and television production; apply techniques of advertising, reporting and editing; and use current and emerging technology in the production of print and non-print journalism.

JRN 3327 - Sports Broadcasting (3)

Advanced methods, techniques and performance styles for broadcast sports news and information.

JRN 3330 - Journalism Practicum (1 to 3 credit hours)

Supervised journalism-related experiences focusing on gathering information, writing, editing, photography, design, online journalism, electronic journalism, broadcast journalism, advertising and/or public relations.

JRN 3335 - Social Media Strategies and Engagement (3)

This course explores and evaluates social media content and campaigns and how organizations can capitalize on social media for communication. Students will gain the knowledge and skills for creating engaging content across platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter and learn how to measure the success of those efforts. Additionally, students will absorb the understanding of industry-standard tools for social media management, audience analytics, and paid media.

JRN 3340 - Introduction to Mobile Journalism (3)

The concepts and technologies for this course include newsgathering through multiple digital methods and storytelling across multiple platforms from the field. Smartphones or computer tablets are required. Prerequisite: JRN 2201.

JRN 3360 - Broadcast News Writing (3)

Gathering, evaluating, writing and performing broadcast copy. Applies news gathering techniques to the broadcast writing style, on-the-scene coverage, interviewing and announcing. Must make a C or better. Prerequisite: JRN 1102.

JRN 3365 - TV Studio Techniques and Producing (3)

An introduction to the production elements, theories and procedures of producing news broadcasts for television. Lighting, set design, preparation, operation of equipment, graphics, editing, responsibilities of those members involved in the production, electronic news gathering (ENG), operation of remote equipment and interviewing are topics discussed in this class.

JRN 3380 - Global Journalism and International Media Systems (3)

An examination of international and domestic mass media systems, the flow of information and technology, and issues of media ownership, access, regulations, programming and cultural differences in international communications.

JRN 4400 - Special Topics in Journalism (1 to 3 credit hours)

Lecture, discussion, and research course designed to acquaint students with special topics in the fields of broadcast and print journalism. May be taken for a maximum of six hours. Prerequisite: JRN 1100

JRN 4401 - Community Media Management (3)

Discussion of special problems and management techniques of print, broadcast, cable, online media, public relations and communication organizations.

JRN 4403 - Radio News Practicum (3-6)

Supervised experience in gathering, writing and performing radio news broadcasts. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: JRN 3360 or permission from the instructor.

JRN 4405 - Radio Production Practicum (3-6)

Supervised experience in radio studio work. Includes audio techniques for both public affairs and musical productions, tape editing, and use of automated programming. Prerequisite or Co-Requisite: JRN 3360 or permission from the instructor.

JRN 4410 - Advanced Radio Practicum (3-6)

Emphasis on individualized work in radio news or production. Prerequisite: JRN 4403 or 4405.

JRN 4413 - Television News Practicum (3-6)

Supervised experience in gathering, writing and performing for a daily news broadcast. Prerequisite: JRN 3360

JRN 4415 - Television Production Practicum (3-6)

Supervised experience in technical television work. Includes in-studio and remote camera operation, lighting, video tape editing and directing.

JRN 4420 - Advanced Television Practicum (3-6)

Emphasis on individualized work in television news or production. Prerequisite: JRN 4413 or permission from the instructor.

JRN 4421 - Opinion Writing (3)

Writing and editing of opinion for print, broadcast, electronic and online communication systems, with extensive practice in writing editorials and opinion columns. Prerequisite: JRN 2201.

JRN 4425 - Multimedia Law (3)

The rights and restrictions of the press: the First Amendment, privilege, libel, slander, contempt, right of privacy, etc. Prerequisite: Junior standing or above.

JRN 4427 - Sports Reporting (3)

Advanced methods, techniques, and writing styles for reporting sports news and information. Prerequisite: JRN 2201.

JRN 4430 - Processes and Effects of Mass Communication (3)

This course provides students with an understanding of the development of the most notable, historical, social scientific and empirically grounded theoretical perspectives with regard to mass communication. In addition, analysis and interpretation of these theories will be addressed.

JRN 4440 - Advanced Technologies in Journalism (3)

An introduction to using advanced technologies and on-line reporting techniques in journalism and public relations. Prerequisite: JRN 1100 Technologies in Journalism

JRN 4445 - Mobile Journalism Practicum (3)

Supervised experience in mobile journalism reporting, including in-depth fieldwork and producing original content to build student portfolios. Smartphones or computer tablets are required. Prerequisite: JRN 3340.

JRN 4450 - Electronic Publishing (3)

This is a hands-on mastery course in using words, images, video, sound and social media to communicate in an interactive and online environment.

JRN 4460 - Network Sports Production (3)

Supervised experience in television sports production, including in-depth fieldwork with the Troy University Athletics Department and the sports network, ESPN3. Students will shoot and edit sporting events for use on ESPN3. Weekend work is required.

JRN 4489 - Internship (5)

Supervised work that can provide practical experience in the field of study.

JRN 4490 - Field Experience (1-7)

Supervised study in the practical application of issues related to journalism and communication.

JRN 4491-92 - Guided Independent Research (1 to 3 credit hours per course per semester)

Additional information is indexed under Independent Study and Research.

JRN 4493-94 - Guided Independent Study (1 to 3 credit hours per course per semester)

Additional information is indexed under Independent Study and Research.

JRN 4495 - Communication Seminar (1)

Study of issues related to communication theory, the history and future of communication industries, the impact of online communication and ethics. Additionally, students will create a professional portfolio. Prerequisite: At least a Junior Standing.

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