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Marketing Courses (MKT)

MKT 3300 - Principles of Marketing (3)

This course examines principles and practices for creating, delivering, capturing, and communicating value to customers. Topics focus on the marketing function of an organization; environmental factors influencing marketing decisions; and, the development of marketing strategies to deliver long -term customer value.

MKT 3301 - Honors Principles of Marketing (3)

This course examines principles and practices for creating, delivering, capturing, and communicating value to customers. Topics focus on the marketing function of an organization; environmental factors influencing marketing decisions; and, the development of marketing strategies to deliver long -term customer value for the superior student. Prerequisites: SCOB Honors Student, and permission of the Associate Provost.

MKT 3362 - Promotion Management (3)

This course examines the concepts and techniques associated with developing an effective marketing communications strategy. Topics focus on the planning, creation, utilization, and placement of promotional programs designed to support marketing strategy. Prerequisite: MKT 3300.

MKT 3364 - Product and Service Innovation (3)

This course examines the role of marketing in innovation and its critical contribution to marketplace success. Topics focus on the principles used to identify marketing opportunities and the creative thinking needed to respond to them with new ideas, products and services.Prerequisite: MKT 3300.

MKT 3367 - Digital Marketing (3)

This course provides a broad overview of the digital marketing strategies and techniques required for successful marketing efforts in a digital environment. Students will gain a fundamental understanding of the digital marketing core principles. Topics ranging from web page design, analytics, email marketing, social media marketing, and mobile marketing.

MKT 4461 - Professional Selling (3)

This course examines personal selling as a professional marketing activity. It centers on fostering relationships by developing interpersonal communication skills, understanding buyer motivations, and adding value to clients through long-term relationships. Topics focus on the economic, psychological, and social aspects of professional selling; direct selling techniques, and the sales process with an emphasis on building customer relationships. Prerequisite: MKT 3300.

MKT 4462 - Consumer Behavior (3)

This course examines the consumer as a decision maker. Topics focus on the internal and external influences underlying purchase decisions and their implications for marketing strategy. Primary emphasis is on final consumers with a secondary emphasis on organizational buyers. Prerequisite: MKT 3300.

MKT 4463 - Retailing (3)

This course examines the principles and practices of retail management. Topics focus on retail format; store location and layout; merchandise planning; inventory management; atmospherics; and customer service. Prerequisite: MKT 3300.

MKT 4464 - Marketing Research (3)

This course examines the foundational role of research to the formulation of sound strategic marketing decisions. Topics focus on problem definition, research design, data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation. The systematic approach of harnessing data/information to drive effective marketing decision-making is also considered. Prerequisite: MKT 3300.

MKT 4465 - Supply Chain Management (3)

This course examines the key concepts and principles associated with the flow of materials and information from suppliers to customers for both manufacturing and service firms. Topics focus on the procurement, operations, transportation, and integration activities associated with a firm's distribution system. Prerequisite: MKT 3300.

MKT 4468 - Global Marketing (3)

This course examines the impact the global environment has on marketing strategy. Topics focus on the cultural, political, legal, and economic differences among nations as they affect marketing opportunities and operations. Prerequisites: Lower-level Core, MKT 3300.

MKT 4469 - Marketing Management (3)

This course is the “capstone” marketing course. It examines the managerial aspects of marketing which involve the integration of marketing research, customer analysis and marketing strategy to provide long-term value to customers. Topics focus on the application of marketing concepts, procedures, and practices to solve marketing problems and develop strategic marketing plans. Prerequisite: 15 semester hours in marketing courses beyond MKT 3300.

MKT 4470 - Honors Global Marketing (3)

This course examined the impact the global environment has on marketing strategy for the superior student. Topics focus on the cultural, political, legal, and economic differences among nations as they affect marketing opportunities and operations. Prerequisites: Lower-level core, MKT 3301, SCOB Honors Student, and permission of the Associate Dean.

MKT 4472 - Sales Force Management (3)

This course examines the key concepts used to formulate, implement, and evaluate a sales program. Topics focus on forecasting sales and sales management responsibilities including recruitment, training, leadership, organization, motivation and retention of the sales force. Prerequisites: MKT 3300 and MGT 3300.

MKT 4480-81 - Special Topics in Marketing (3)

This course examines a selected marketing topic of interest that is not covered in other course offerings. The topic for the semester will be indicated in advance. Students may repeat the course for credit so long as the selected topics are different. Maximum credit of six hours. Note: This course may not be substituted for any required course. Prerequisite: MKT 3300

MKT 4491-92 - Guided Independent Research (3)

This course involves directed research on marketing topics of mutual interest to a student and faculty member. Maximum credit of six hours. Note: This course may not be substituted for any required course. Prerequisite: MKT 3300.

MKT 4493-94 - Guided Independent Study (3)

This course involves directed project work of Maximum credit of six hours. Note: This course may not be substituted for any required course. Prerequisite: MKT 3300

MKT 4499 - Marketing Internship (3)

This course involves the practical application of marketing principles and theories in an actual business setting. Students gain practical, professional experience in conjunction with academic development under the supervision of both a faculty member and a manager within an organization. Note: This course may not be substituted for any required course. Prerequisites: Six semester hours in marketing courses beyond MKT 3300 and permission of instructor.

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